

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, The Artificial Intelligence Research Center Machine Learning Research Team
2-3-26, Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0064, Japan


Education and Employment

2023- CEO, Aska Intelligence LLC
2022- Senior Researcher, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Artificial Intelligence Research Center (Taking a leave of absence from Sep. 2023)
2016-2022 Researcher, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Artificial Intelligence Research Center
2014-2016 JSPS Research Fellow (PD), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
2011-2014 Doctor of Philosophy,
Department of Physics, School of Science,
The University of Tokyo
2009-2011 Master of Philosophy,
Department of Physics, School of Science,
The University of Tokyo
2005-2009 Bachelor of Science,
Undergraduate School of College of Natural Science,
First Cluster of Colleges,
University of Tsukuba


Expired E-mail addresses:
  • kawamoto@sp.dis.titech.ac.jp
  • t-kwmt_at_iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
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