Publications Google Scholar Citations
"Entropy of microcanonical finite-graph ensembles" Tatsuro Kawamoto finite discrete system J. Phys. Complex. 4 035005 (2023). arXiv:2305.10996 (2023). "Finding community structure using the ordered random graph model" Masaki Ochi and Tatsuro Kawamoto matrix ordering Phys. Rev. E 108, 014303 (2023). arXiv:2210.08989 (2022). "Consistency between ordering and clustering methods for graphs" Tatsuro Kawamoto, Masaki Ochi, and Teruyoshi Kobayashi matrix ordering Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023006 (2023). arXiv:2208.12933 (2022). "Single-trajectory map equation" Tatsuro Kawamoto graph clustering Scientific Reports 13, 6597 (2023). arXiv:2203.04044 (2022). "Contribution of directedness in graph spectra" Masaki Ochi and Tatsuro Kawamoto graph perturbation Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033129 (2022). arXiv:2202.03653 (2022). "Sequential locality of graphs and its hypothesis testing" Tatsuro Kawamoto and Teruyoshi Kobayashi matrix ordering Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023007 (2023). arXiv:2111.11267 (2021). "Graph-based open-ended survey on concerns related to COVID-19" Tatsuro Kawamoto, Takaaki Aoki, and Michiko Ueda graph-based survey PLOS ONE 16(8): e0256212 (2021). arXiv:2012.04510 (2020). "Spectral clustering of annotated graphs using a factor graph representation" Tatsuro Kawamoto graph clustering arXiv:2010.02791 (2020). "Identifying macroscopic features in foreign visitor travel pathways" Tatsuro Kawamoto and Ryutaro Hashimoto graph clustering arXiv:2011.04190 (2020), The Japanese Economic Review (2020). "Palette diagram: A Python package for visualization of collective categorical data" Chihiro Noguchi and Tatsuro Kawamoto visualization arXiv:2011.01934 (2020). "Fragility of spectral clustering for networks with an overlapping structure" Chihiro Noguchi and Tatsuro Kawamoto graph clustering detectability limit Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043101 (2020). arXiv:2003.02463 (2020). "Evaluating network partitions through visualization" Chihiro Noguchi and Tatsuro Kawamoto graph clustering visualization arXiv:1906.00699 (2019). "Democratic classification of free-format survey responses with a network-based framework" Tatsuro Kawamoto and Takaaki Aoki graph-based survey Nature Machine Intelligence, 1, 322–327 (2019). arXiv:1907.04359 (2019). "Counting the number of metastable states in the modularity landscape: Algorithmic detectability limit of greedy algorithms in community detection" Tatsuro Kawamoto and Yoshiyuki Kabashima graph clustering detectability limit Phys. Rev. E 99, 010301(R) (2019). arXiv:1808.07690 (2018). "Mean-field theory of graph neural networks in graph partitioning" Tatsuro Kawamoto, Masashi Tsubaki, and Tomoyuki Obuchi graph clustering detectability limit Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NeurIPS 2018) arXiv:1810.11908 (2018). "Cross-validation estimates of the number of modules in higher-order networks" Tatsuro Kawamoto graph clustering detectability limit Journal of Physics: Conference Series. "Algorithmic infeasibility of community detection in higher-order networks" Tatsuro Kawamoto graph clustering detectability limit [arXiv note] arXiv:1710.08816 (2017). (Short ver. of Phys. Rev. E 97, 032301 (2018) ) "Algorithmic detectability threshold of the stochastic block model" Tatsuro Kawamoto graph clustering detectability limit Phys. Rev. E 97, 032301 (2018) arXiv:1710.08841 (2017). "Comparative analysis on the selection of number of clusters in community detection" Tatsuro Kawamoto and Yoshiyuki Kabashima graph clustering Phys. Rev. E 97, 022315 (2018) arXiv:1606.07668 (2016). "Detectability thresholds of general modular graphs" Tatsuro Kawamoto and Yoshiyuki Kabashima graph clustering detectability limit Phys. Rev. E 95, 012304 (2017) , arXiv:1608.08908 (2016) "Cross-validation estimate of the number of clusters in a network" Tatsuro Kawamoto and Yoshiyuki Kabashima graph clustering detectability limit Scientific Reports 7, 3327 (2017) , arXiv:1605.07915 (2016) [SUMMARY SLIDE] "A Tractable Fully Bayesian Method for the Stochastic Block Model" Kohei Hayashi, Takuya Konishi, and Tatsuro Kawamoto graph clustering arXiv:1602.02256 (2016) "Detectability of the spectral method for sparse graph partitioning" Tatsuro Kawamoto and Yoshiyuki Kabashima graph clustering detectability limit Europhys. Lett. , 112 40007 (2015)[Open Access] , arXiv:1509.06484 (2015) [SUMMARY SLIDE] "Localized eigenvectors of the non-backtracking matrix" Tatsuro Kawamoto graph clustering J. Stat. Mech. 023404 (2016) , arXiv:1505.07543 (2015) "Limitations in the spectral method for graph partitioning: Detectability threshold and localization of eigenvectors" Tatsuro Kawamoto and Yoshiyuki Kabashima graph clustering detectability limit Phys. Rev. E 91, 062803 (2015) , arXiv:1502.06775 (2015) "Estimating the resolution limit of the map equation in community detection" Tatsuro Kawamoto and Martin Rosvall graph clustering resolution limit Phys. Rev. E 91, 012809 (2015) arXiv:1402.4385 "Persistence of activity on twitter triggered by a natural disaster: A data analysis" Tatsuro Kawamoto arXiv:1503.03199 (2015) "Viral spreading of daily information in online social networks" Tatsuro Kawamoto and Naomichi Hatano information spreading Physica A , 406 , 34-41 (2014) , arXiv:1211.2555 "A stochastic model of the tweet diffusion on the Twitter network" Tatsuro Kawamoto information spreading Physica A , 392 , 3470 - 3475 (2013) , arXiv:1209.5599 "Microscopic analysis of the microscopic reversibility in quantum systems" Tatsuro Kawamoto open quantum system J. Stat. Mech. , P11019 (2011). , arXiv:1106.3788 "Test of fluctuation theorems in non-Markovian open quantum systems" Tatsuro Kawamoto and Naomichi Hatano open quantum system Phys. Rev. E , 84 , 031116 (2011). , arXiv:1105.3579 facebook github youtube mail spotify lastfm instagram linkedin google google-plus pinterest medium vimeo stackoverflow reddit quora quora